*** Ragging is an offence under A.P. Prohibition of Ragging Act 1997, punishable by six months to seven years imprisonment. Abettors will also face similar punishment..***

Welcome to the Department of Botany


The Department of Botany was established as early as 1951.  To start with Botany was offered as one of the Science subjects to the Intermediate students.  Subsequently, with the introduction of B.Sc., Botany was taught to the degree students as one of the Courses.   During 1981, Post-Graduate course in Botany was introduced in the department. Currently,   two  fields of specializations "Applied Palynology and  Palaeophytology and the other Cytology-Cytogenetics are  being offered to the Post-Graduate students.  It is a matter of pride to the college to state that  this is the only College in the entire State of A.P offering "Applied Palynology and Palaeophytology" as a special subject for M.Sc. In the year 2002-2003 , another Under-Graduate course was introduced  in combination with Botany, Chemistry and Biotechnology under the ageis of Department of Botany.


A one day national seminar on " Advances in Plant Sciences - current status and emerging trends ( APSCSET: 2010)" was conducted by the Dept.of Botony. The seminar provided an open forum for the academicians, scientists and technologists from institutions like NIN, CIMAP, CDFD, NRSA etc. to exchange their ideas and foster interactive research among the participants. It encompassed a key note address, plenary and invited lectures and poster presentations. The deleberations covered recent trends in Medicinal Plants, Biodiversity, Wasteland Management, ERnvironmental Legislations by eminet resource persons from CIMAP, NRSC, and CRIDA etc. This national seminar was specially conducted to motivate the students to take up research in the field of plant sciences.


A two- day " National Work Shop on plant science practices was conducted by dept.of Botony during 28th and 29th jan.2011. It was sponcered by DBT india. A national work shop on short term training course in Cytogenetics molecular genetics and plant tissue culture was conducted by the department of botony during 2nd to 13 th jan, 2012, sponsored by DBT, govt of india. The work shop helped the participants to learn the recent practicals aspects in plant sciences with hands on session experience. The dept of botony actively participated in science fair conducted on 10th nov' 2010.


All the U.G. and P.G.laboratories are well organized structurally and adequately equipped.  The Department boasts of having a good botanical garden (essentially an arboretum), a spacious Green House and a well-equipped Palaeobotany-Palynology research laboratory.  Some of the significant infrastructural facilities and equipment in this research laboratory include latest computer systems, dark room for photography, fume chamber for maceration purposes, invertor, wood microtomes, rock cutting and grinding machines for thin section preparations of petrified fossils, trinocular research microscopes with photomicrographic attachments, trinocular stereoscopic zoom microscope etc.


Numerous museum specimens and slides  of fossil plants(from India and abroad) representing the entire stratigraphic column and more than thousand reference pollen slides of the modern plants are systematically arranged in show cases and slide cabinets in this research laboratory.  Further, an extensive collection of well catalogued and indexed books, monographs, and original research articles, in Palaeobotany, Palynology and Wood anatomy are being maintained as library in this laboratory to cater to the needs of research workers in these disciplines.  Almost all these fossil specimens and slide preparations and the entire library represent the life time  collection of Prof. C. G. K. Ramanujam, who has graciously dedicated this research laboratory to the students.


Research Activities :


The research work in Palaeobotany-Palynology laboratory carried out over the last 20 years encompasses Mesozoic and Tertiary Palynology and Palynostratigraphy, Melittopalynology, Aerobiology and  Mesozoic and Tertiary plant fossils.  Various funding agencies of the Country viz., ONGC, CSIR, UGC, DST etc., have  provided funds for the various research projects investigated and successfully completed in this laboratory.  More recently the Forest Department of A. P. State Government sanctioned a research scheme for Ethnobotanical and Medicinal plant studies.  As of today 20 research students have successfully completed their Ph.D. programmes, and two scholars have completed their Post-doctoral research programmes.


Scope for higher education and job opportunities for M.Sc.(Botany) Students:


Students of M.Sc.(Botany) with Applied Palynology and Palaeophytology will have an opportunity to join scientific officer in Birban Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany (BSIP), Lucknow, Palynologist in Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC), Dehradun and Melittopalynologist at National Bee Research Institute (NBRI), Pune. They are also eligible for teaching and research assignment in corporate and government organisations. The students will have employment opportunities in Botanical Survey of India and Forensic Department both at central and state level.



Dr.M.Venkata Ramana


Incharge Head







Faculty Profile
Name of the Teacher
Research interests/Specialization
1 Dr.
Associate Professor  
2 Dr.P.Chaya
Assistant Professor Palynology and Palaeobotany
3 Dr.M.Venkata Ramana
Assistant Professor  
4 Mrs.C.Sathyavathi   Assistant Professor ( C )  
5 Dr.J.Balakoti Naik   Assistant Professor ( C )  
6 Dr.Zehra Siddiqui
7 Dr.R.Chandrashekhar
Specialisation: Pharmacognosy, Chemotaxonomy, Herbal Drug Development and Cancer Biology




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